Trusted Proof-of-Stake validator & Tendermint chain service provider. Active ecosystem contributor, community manager & moderator. Stake your cryptocurrencies and earn rewards. Support the growth of Web3 and the Proof-of-Stake ecosystem with our non-custodial staking service.

Active Contributor

We actively participate in decentralized governance discussions and DAO voting. We offer free educational resources and public technical services. Staking with us supports our positive contributions to the ecosystem.

Reliable Infrastructure

We distribute our servers across various geographical locations and partner with premier bare metal and cloud providers. With sentry nodes, backup nodes and 24/7 live monitoring, we’re able to run a secure and stable service with 99.9%+ uptime.

Dedicated Support

With robust technical expertise, our excellent support team is able to assist you with complex staking and network questions via Email, Telegram, Twitter, and dedicated channels for institutional clients. Do not hesitate to reach out.


Partner & Collab


Industry leading blockchain explorers


My Dedicated Servers

  • AMD Ryzen™ 9 7950X3D Simultaneous Multithreading
  • RAM: 128 GB DDR5 ECC
  • Disk: 2 x 1.92 TB NVMe SSD Datacenter Edition (Gen4) (software RAID 1)
  • Connection: 1 GBit/s port
  • Bandwidth guaranteed: 1 GBit/s
  • Backup Space: 500 GB
  • Traffic: Unlimited *
  • Location: Asia
  • AMD Ryzen™ 9 5950x (AM4)
  • RAM: 128 GB DDR5 ECC
  • Disk: 2 x 1.92 TB NVMe SSD Datacenter Edition (Gen4) (software RAID 1)
  • Connection: 1 GBit/s port
  • Bandwidth guaranteed: 1 GBit/s
  • Backup Space: 500 GB
  • Traffic: Unlimited *
  • Location: Europe



Reliable team of professional validators with highly trusted services & infrastructure


Hit me up >.0